Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Member Mirror: PBC Team 2020 To Date
February 27, 2020

Reach the Beach! Dick Weber, Training Series Ride Leader: I am joining thousands of other cyclists and the American Lung Association to raise money to fight lung disease and increase awareness about the importance of air quality. Whether you’re experienced in riding long distances or not, I invite you to… Read More

Your Club at Work
February 27, 2020

As promised, the board has determined which non-club event rides will earn club mileage for 2020. Only seven were chosen, so if you see others offered that you think club members would enjoy, don’t hesitate to submit them to the board for consideration. Here are the selected rides: Date Event… Read More

Sunday Parkways 2020
February 27, 2020

It’s that time of year again, PBC members! We are busy at work putting together a new main banner to display at our booth. We are excited to roll out, for the second year in a row, our new more inclusive club name, ‘PBC.’ We are excited to present our… Read More

Portland to Eugene:
February 27, 2020

Wheels and Whistle-Stops! My name is John Neller, and I recently joined the Portland Bicycling Club. I live in Auburn, Washington, but enjoy cycling in Portland and the Willamette Valley. In addition to cycling, I enjoy trains; and I hope to encourage others to incorporate trains into their cycling, too. Read More

Banquet Tidbits
February 27, 2020

The annual Portland Bicycling Club banquet celebrating the 2019 activities of the club was held on January 26, 2020. It was attended by approximately 112 people consisting of club members and guests. This was a chance for non-cycling spouses or significant others to find out who their beloved hangs out… Read More

The New Stop Sign Law
January 31, 2020

The Idaho stop comes to Oregon or how to non-stop safely at stop signs. You’ve been preparing for this moment your whole life. Well, maybe just your cycling life. Whatever, it’s been a long time. Years of practice, technique adjustments, study of other cyclists’ methods. All the ways to successfully… Read More

Portland Pedals & Pints Festival
January 31, 2020

Yes, the committee has finally settled on a name for the club’s 2020 event! Description: A biking event and festival attracting an urban, inclusive ridership (non-club riders/city bikers, etc.) with a festival, including food, beer, vendor booths, and music at the end. This will be a fundraising event with a… Read More

And the Winner Is . . .
January 31, 2020

The annual awards banquet, celebrating the past events and activities of PBC’s 2019, was held on Sunday, January 26. I hope you were there. The awards and the act of presenting them in a public setting are an important part of club life. They are some of the unifiers… Read More