Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Member Mirror: Rachel Saathoff
December 31, 2019

Celebrating PBC member Rachel A. Saathoff. In 2017, Rachel showed up for our Reach the Beach (RTB) 10-week training series with a new-to-her, used bike and beginner skills. Our club puts a lot of effort into getting people into shape in order to reach their cycling goals for the… Read More

Yahoo Listserv
December 31, 2019

If “Yahoo!” is an exclamation of great joy or excitement, then I’m afraid this is NOT a Yahoo moment. Portland Bicycling Club has used, specifically Yahoo Groups, as a listserv to share late breaking, timely club information with our members. If someone crashed, or if there was some urgent… Read More

First Ride of the Year
December 31, 2019

Sleep in and then join us for the club’s traditional First Ride of the Year, meeting to sign in at 11:45 AM with the ride starting at 12:00 noon. You have a choice of two distances depending on how you feel post-New-Year’s-Eve partying. Both routes include… Read More

Safety: How Not to Get Hit by a Car
December 31, 2019

This is the most common way to get hit (or almost get hit). A car is pulling out of a side street, parking lot, or driveway on the right. Notice that there are two possible kinds of collisions here: Either you’re in front of the car and the car hits… Read More

SnowCap Recap
December 31, 2019

Thanks, Members, for the generous support! Members proved once again that it is not always about the miles. With our Honda Element packed over halfway to the ceiling, we dropped off 67 pounds of food, 32 pounds of coats and socks, 44 pounds of paper grocery sacks and egg cartons,… Read More

December Election
November 30, 2019

At the December club member meeting on Thursday, December 5, at 7:00 PM, an election of officers to serve on the club’s executive board will be held. Each position is for a one-year term beginning in January 2020. The list of candidates to date includes: President: Pat McManus, Incumbent Vice… Read More

Award Nomination Criteria
November 30, 2019

Each year Portland Bicycling Club members nominate individuals whom they believe have shown exceptional effort on the club’s behalf over the course of the year. The nominations are made prior to the end of December, and the awards banquet is held in January. The awards committee, comprised of past winners… Read More

Member-at-Large Vacancy
November 30, 2019

Dave McQuery has resigned from his position as member at large from July to June. Dave added some spice to board meeting discussions over the past few months and served as ride leader for the Jim O’Horo Memorial Columbia Gorge Explorer, but other activities have taken him away from being… Read More