Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Road Hazards
March 31, 2020

In no order, here are some bike safety challenges I have encountered in a half century of riding. Dogs and other four-legged hazards. One fall day riding in eastern Ohio, I encountered an intersection where three dogs gave chase. Short of carrying some spray to ward them off, be prepared… Read More

All Meetings CANCELED!
March 31, 2020

Shelter in place: Stay home. Stay healthy. Save lives. Stay connected:  Facebook PBC Group.  😊   Lynn Blanchard, Quick Releases Editor… Read More

Monster Cookie Ride
March 31, 2020

Salem Bicycle Club’s infamous MONSTER COOKIE METRIC CENTURY, previously scheduled for Sunday, April 26, has been canceled. If you signed up, you probably have been notified. SBC has graciously offered refunds, or you can have your registration fee credited to the 2021 event. We all appreciate the challenge the pandemic… Read More

STP Volunteers Requested
March 31, 2020

Seattle to Portland, the Pacific Northwest’s largest multi-day bicycling event, is currently scheduled to take place on the weekend of July 18-19, 2020. This is our first call for volunteers. In this uncertain time of Covid-19 health risk worries, keep in mind that everything is subject to change, so stay… Read More

Safety: Navigating Intersections
February 27, 2020

Safety. Remember the word. Now that we can legally be our lawless selves at stop signs and flashing reds, there is more cause to be alert. Oregon law still requires cyclists to stop and wait at red lights; and additionally it is good not only at solid red lights to… Read More

PBOT Follow-Up
February 27, 2020

The asphalt ramp on 102nd at the Banfield overcrossing is difficult to see. February’s guest speaker Roger Geller, Bicycle Coordinator, reports that the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has had a lot of challenges with that ramp, including visibility. They intend to address marking the ramp and putting some bicycle… Read More

A New Club Jersey!
February 27, 2020

We are proud to present our new Portland Bicycling Club jersey! We had several excellent submissions, so the decision was one that required thoughtful discussion by the board. The winner has a rose theme, fitting for our Rose City; but in addition, the designer used club colors of… Read More

Bike Shop Discounts
February 27, 2020

A wonderful benefit of being a member of the Portland Bicycling Club is the discount that many bike shops extend to us as members. To view a list of current bike shops that provide a discount, click HERE. Bicycles and trailers are not included in the discount program. The… Read More