Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Let’s Celebrate!!
July 31, 2021

It’s time to celebrate! Personally, I intend to celebrate many things, including our Portland Bicycling Club having rides again. Live club meetings will resume in the near future. Our bike club has existed for 50 years! I am once again enjoying the riding, the camaraderie, the bonds of cycling. There… Read More

New 50th Anniversary Club Jersey
July 31, 2021

We are working on a fiftieth-anniversary edition club jersey to be designed and produced by Primal, the company which has produced many of our jerseys, including the most recent one. As of press time a finalized version is not ready for viewing. As soon as the jersey becomes available, an email blast… Read More

Bike Safety: Crosswalks
July 31, 2021

Crosswalks can be tricky. Cyclists must use caution all the time, but intersections, even with crosswalks, demand extra attention. For example, if a vehicle is stopped at an intersection for no particular reason, ask yourself, “Did the driver stop for a crossing pedestrian?” Section 811.020 of the ORS (Oregon… Read More

Your Club at Work: Meetings
July 31, 2021

Since March of 2020, our club has not had live and in-person meetings due to COVID-19. We have resumed club bicycle rides because outdoor activities have been deemed safe. As vaccinations become more prevalent, we are attempting to resume in-person club meetings. As this is written we do not yet… Read More

Member Mirror
July 31, 2021

Getting to know Todd McCollum Pete: When did you begin biking and why? Todd: I began biking when I was a kid.  Hopping on my Schwinn Sting Ray when I could to run around the neighborhood.  I also did a fair amount of biking while in college, but then ignored… Read More

Vineyard Tour
July 31, 2021

Do you have plans for Labor Day weekend? The 2021 Vineyard Tour will be rolling on Sunday, September 5th. This event offers something for everyone with ride distances of 16, 30, 50, 66 (Metric), and 100 miles. Over the years, the routes have changed. We have new routes for 2021. Read More

Bike Safety: So, You Think He’s Going Straight
July 1, 2021

“He said to me, ‘I didn’t see you; I’m so sorry.’” That is a quote from a PBC member who recently was struck by a left-turning vehicle, the driver of which made the admission within the quote. Why did he not see the cyclist who was clearly there to be… Read More

Your Club at Work: Midyear Election Results
July 1, 2021

Portland Bicycling Club’s primary elections for the board are held in December. However, some positions are filled mid-year, in June, to prevent a possible influx of all-new board members at one time. Two member-at-large positions open up along with the road captain #2 slot. Incumbents often agree to stay on… Read More