News -Portland Bicycling Club


March 2023 Top Talk

Great to see everyone in person at the annual awards banquet! Special thanks to Krank Cogsette (aka Doug Myers), the MC extraordinaire. Also, thanks to all involved with organizing the event. Your hard work paid off. The food and company were wonderful. It was fun to see everyone dressed up… Read More

February 2023 Top Talk

The first ride of the year – the President’s New Year’s ride – was a tremendous success. We had nice weather, NO rain, and even sunshine at the end. There were about 40-50 people who joined the ride. We went into Portland, down the waterfront, and then back to Oregon… Read More

January 2023 Top Talk

Happy New Year! I hope you all had wonderful holidays. I am excited to be your new president. I first want to thank Doug for all his dedication over the last couple of years. He has grown the club and made it more active and profitable. I am truly grateful… Read More

December 2022 Top Talk

As I write this column, it’s hard to believe that December is only one week away. That’s partly because I’m currently in Kauai, where the air is warm and moist. It’s also because this will mark the end of my tenure as president of the Portland Bicycling Club. When… Read More

November 2022 Top Talk

It seems odd to be writing the November column today. October is half over, and I spent the last several hours trimming brush from the bike lanes leading to Frenchman’s Bar in 80º sunny weather. Where are the rains, the fenders, the long sleeves and tights? Two weeks left… Read More

October 2022 Top Talk

What about e-bikes? This is a question that is becoming more pertinent to our club as technology advances. Motors are becoming lighter, ranges are extending, and the newer e-bikes are almost unperceptively different than high-end road bikes. People interested in joining our club have asked if e-bikes are allowed. Read More

September 2022 Top Talk

For those who missed it, the club picnic occurred August 7 at Portland’s Columbia Park. Khaliyah Williams-Rodriguez provided the activities and acquired the food. Pre-lunch rides were led by Tom Carter, Ann Morrow, and Alan Mevis. Kathleen Hellem transported the gear, and Corey Eng purchased the door prizes. The… Read More

August 2022 Top Talk

I would like to thank all the club volunteers who made the 2022 STP Finish Line a success! The return of this event is not only significant as a resumption of our region’s normal cycling activities, but as a vital return of income to fuel our club’s charitable and… Read More