Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Ride Leaders and Safety
April 1, 2022

CALL FOR NEW RIDE LEADERS Once again, though it does not occur often, this is a call for new ride leaders, and we’ll throw in a safety note for good measure. The majority of club rides are generated by a very few members, so we are at risk of losing… Read More

Rookie Rides
April 1, 2022

What is a “rookie?” It’s someone who is new. In the case of Portland Bicycling Club, someone new to group cycling or even cycling in general. Most of us were “rookies” to this sport at one time. I remember not knowing what I was doing! I joined in with PWTC… Read More

Stroke Across America
April 1, 2022

PBC is pleased to ally with Stroke Onward and the Stroke Across America ride to raise awareness for stroke, aphasia and brain injuries. Stroke survivor Debra Meyerson and husband Steve Zuckerman will be riding with a small team of others from Astoria to Boston this summer. There will be several opportunities… Read More

Behind the Scenes of STP
February 28, 2022

Well, fellow PBC-ers, the mostly cloudy skies of February have turned into March. I’m hoping March will give us some nice early spring days with great riding. As the winter rains fall, Corey Eng, Mark Klein, and I have been working hard on the myriad details required to put on… Read More

Awards Banquet
February 28, 2022

On February 3rd at our (revived) annual awards banquet, 64 Portland Bicycling Club members and significant others shared an evening together at the Monarch Hotel. This in-person celebration replaced last year’s awards presentation held via a Zoom club meeting. The featured Master of Ceremony was a scientist from the Centers… Read More

Volunteering Is Back! (Part 2)
February 28, 2022

It’s March. Not even a third of the way into the new year and your club has been spending money. Insurance through League of American Bicyclists, monthly payments for our storage unit, awards and gifts for the banquet are some of the expenditures made on the club’s behalf. Additionally, Pioneer… Read More

Safety: The Wrong-Way Wreck
February 28, 2022

You’re riding the wrong way (against traffic, on the lefthand side of the street). A car makes a right turn from a side street, driveway, or parking lot, right into you. They didn’t see you because they were looking for traffic only to their left, not on their right. They… Read More

Vision for Burnside Bridge
February 28, 2022

At the January 6th meeting of the PBC members, Willie Levenson of HAP (Human Access Project) presented several options for approaches to the upgraded Burnside Bridge. The Burnside Bridge needs a seismic upgrade so that there will still be a physical connection between the east and west sides of… Read More