Volunteering Is Back! (Part 2) -Portland Bicycling Club

Volunteering Is Back! (Part 2)

It’s March. Not even a third of the way into the new year and your club has been spending money. Insurance through League of American Bicyclists, monthly payments for our storage unit, awards and gifts for the banquet are some of the expenditures made on the club’s behalf.

Additionally, Pioneer Century™ and Seattle to Portland are in the works and payments and deposits must go out to venders or to municipalities for permits. With STP the money will come back to us in several months as it is Cascade’s event, but our effectiveness as finish line coordinators is more valuable when we can write our own checks and deal efficiently with the business at hand. 

The means to pay club related bills and coordinate our own event and the finish line for STP came primarily from the efforts of our members. In past years many of you volunteered and helped us earn money which in turn helps us to remain solvent and in a position to earn more money.

Please. Volunteer. It makes our club strong financially to be sure. But working together on common causes for the betterment of Portland Bicycling Club and the ability to share our prosperity with others builds our club community as well.

Thank you.

Ann Morrow, Vice President