Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Post-Summer Reflection
September 30, 2022

Monster Cookie Metric Century, August 28, 2022 Monster Cookie Metric Century, August 28, 2022 Monster Cookie Metric Century, August 28, 2022 As we enter into the fall season and daylight hours start to decline, it’s a good time to reflect on what a… Read More

August 31, 2022

It’s only September, but I encourage you to look around and start thinking about our upcoming Portland Bicycling Club banquet at the end of January 2023. Summer’s warm weather and many activities give our club members an opportunity to shine. Who do you see volunteering at EVERY function or regularly… Read More

Safety: Sun Protection
August 31, 2022

Fall weather is perfect for bicycling, whether it’s a long-distance challenge or a leisurely family ride in the country. The sun is out, the air is crisp, the humidity tends to be lower – and the need for sun protection is as important as ever. Target your… Read More

Your Club at Work
August 31, 2022

HOW SHALL WE SPEND OUR MONEY? PBC is back! We had our Pioneer Century and helped Cascade Bicycle Club with Seattle to Portland. Money was earned. Confidence was restored. We have sufficient funds for our own needs and extra for the  ✎  proverbial “rainy day” or another pandemic… Read More

Member Memories: Anniversary Ride
August 31, 2022

Cindy & Alan Anniversary Ride For some time, Alan and I have been wanting to do what we refer to as a “credit card” bike tour, where we only need to carry a change of street clothes, a pair of sandals, and our toiletries. The original plan was… Read More

Member Memories: STP in a Day
July 31, 2022

My second perfect STP-in-a-day experience – this time as a volunteer! My dad got into road cycling shortly after he moved to Oregon, joined the Umpqua Velo Club and was very proud to complete the STP with a friend a couple of times when they were in their 70s. A… Read More

Thank You, STP Volunteers!
July 31, 2022

After a two-year absence, the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic returned. Final registration numbers were down this year with approximately 6,000 registered riders and a probable large number of no-shows. Almost perfect weather conditions, with comfortable temperatures, favorable winds, and mostly dry roads led to many smiles on the faces… Read More

STP Reflection
July 31, 2022

The 2022 Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic is in the books! About 5,500 riders signed up (read “paid $”) to ride the event this year. An estimated 1,200 riders chose to ride the 200+ miles in one day. Whether in one day or two, completing the ride is an achievement… Read More