Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Your Club at Work
January 27, 2023

FINANCES Board member Dave McQuery broached the subject of generating more interest with the club’s cash assets. You can get more information (on all these matters) in the January 2023 board meeting minutes.  ✎  However, the outcome was this report from Corey, our treasurer, on January 24: “I… Read More

Reach the Beach Training Series
January 27, 2023

Another reminder that our club will be running Reach the Beach training rides. Dick Weber has been the lead on this series for probably about ten years. Prior to that, Dick Adkins, then Larry Eades and Mishell Goodman ran them for years as well. I’m probably omitting… Read More

Non-Club Rides for Club Mileage
January 27, 2023

One thing I like about this time of year is peering into the future and looking at my prospective riding calendar for late spring and summer. We have Pioneer Century® (yes, century) in early June; the Jim O’Horo Memorial Columbia Gorge Explorer and Bud’s Central Oregon Ménage… Read More

Toppled Talk
December 30, 2022

We have had a good year of cycling, so let the festivities begin!!! The club’s annual awards banquet is scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 2023. Socializing begins at 5:00 PM, and dinner starts at 6:00 PM, with awards to follow. Enjoy a casual evening of fun with your cycling friends:… Read More

Presenting Your 2023 Board Officers
December 30, 2022

  The December 1 club meeting included board elections for 2023. Members will mostly see familiar faces as their representatives, with Richard Higgins joining in as a member at large, and Mark Barnes and Doug Myers changing seats. Mark is now our president, and Doug is now a member at… Read More

Volunteer Coordinator Needed!
December 30, 2022

We are extremely fortunate to have been so highly successful for a 51-year-old, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the heart of a large cycling community in PDX. Be proud! After two years of being out of commission due to the pandemic, all your hard work volunteering has finally resulted in our… Read More

PBC’s Generous Giving
December 30, 2022

Banks-Vernonia State Trail Near the end of each year, at the December board meeting, your board assesses the financial status of the club with the guidance of our treasurer and determines if there are sufficient funds to allow us (Portland Bicycling Club) to share our prosperity with the… Read More

Winter Riding Safety
December 30, 2022

I have noted that in winter, unlike the other seasons, I often recognize many of the cyclists on the road. Our members appear to be more dedicated to cycling year-round than other northwest residents. Although safe cycling requires situational awareness in all seasons, winter presents a unique combination of hazards. … Read More