Presenting Your 2023 Board Officers -Portland Bicycling Club

Presenting Your 2023 Board Officers


The December 1 club meeting included board elections for 2023. Members will mostly see familiar faces as their representatives, with Richard Higgins joining in as a member at large, and Mark Barnes and Doug Myers changing seats. Mark is now our president, and Doug is now a member at large.

Here is our new slate of officers which will be introduced officially and installed at our banquet/club meeting on February 2, 2023:  

  • President Mark Barnes
  • Vice President Ann Morrow
  • Treasurer Corey Eng
  • Membership Secretary Christi Horton
  • Road Captain Todd McCollum
  • Recording Secretary Kathleen Hellem
  • Member at Large Dave McQuery
  • Member at Large Richard Higgins

Additionally, our board includes three positions which are filled mid-year:

  • Road Captain Rob Schroeder
  • Member at Large Alan Mevis
  • Member at Large Doug Myers

As noted above, our former president, Doug Myers, volunteered to assume the remainder of Mark Barnes’s term as member at large and will be up for election in June.

A sincere Thank You to our outgoing president, Doug Myers. He has been a diligent, analytical, thoughtful, humorous, and determined leader for the last two years. We were blessed to have him in charge during our Covid-19 shutdown as he kept us strong and solvent throughout. We also want to welcome Richard Higgins to the board and thank outgoing member at large Mike Heffernan for his service on behalf of the club.

Thank you, board members, for volunteering your time, skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm to Portland Bicycling Club. This organization has persevered for over 50 years on the strength of its members.

As vice president, I am confident in this slate and look forward to building on our solid foundation.

Ann Morrow, Vice President