News -Portland Bicycling Club


August 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle As I mentioned in last month’s Top Talk, one of the characteristics of this club that makes me proud is how willing you, the club members, are to volunteer and to serve in whatever capacity is needed.   Once again, you stepped up to help staff… Read More

July 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle One of the characteristics of this club that makes me proud is how willing you, the club members, are to volunteer and to serve in whatever capacity is needed. It is gratifying to see so many turn up, smile, ask what else can they do… Read More

June 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle As all of you well know by now, the Wheelmen put on two major annual events that require lots and lots of volunteers:  the Pioneer Century and the finish line of Seattle-to-Portland.  I appreciate all of you who responded to my plea last month to… Read More

May 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle This is a plea for volunteers. In less than five weeks, we will be hosting our signature, invitational ride, The Pioneer Century. There are a myriad volunteer positions that need to be filled to successfully stage this event. To date, many club members have signed… Read More

April 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle An objective we have as a club is to encourage and facilitate rides, cycle outings and all forms of recreational cycling. One of the ways we do this is by supporting other local bike clubs.  One of our first opportunities is coming up at the… Read More

March 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle Do you think it is something we did do, or something we didn’t do – an act of commission or an act of omission? Whatever the cause, the weather deities seem to be a little perturbed and have not been kind to us. In January,… Read More

February 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle Well, once again the weather deities have not been kind to us.  Record cold in Portland; extended snow on the ground and ice.  It kept me off the bike for much of the first half of January.  When I’m stuck indoors and get bored with… Read More

January 2017 Top Talk

President Chip Kyle As I sit here and write this just before Christmas, I realize that the last two Decembers have not been favorable for our club’s activities. Here is an excerpt from last January’s Top Talk:  “. . . we have been washed out of our club… Read More