Heads Up! -Portland Bicycling Club

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I know it’s not officially awards nomination time (December), but I encourage you to look around now and start thinking about our upcoming Portland Bicycling Club banquet at the end of January 2024.

Summer’s warm weather and many activities (e.g., lots of rides, Pioneer Century®, Seattle to Portland Finish Line, picnic) give our club members an opportunity to shine. Who have you seen volunteering at EVERY function? Who is riding stronger, farther? Who had an accident, is on the mend, and back on the bike? Who is your favorite ride leader?

Look around for the exceptional. There are many club members who are exemplary. Make some notes to yourself. 

Remember where you put the notes!

In November and December, the awards committee (comprised of previous recipients of the Jim Mooney Member of the Year Award) will be asking club members for nominations for awards to be presented at the banquet. At that time, the criteria for all the many awards will also be provided. (Click here to see last year’s award nomination criteria.)

If you are like me, it’s hard to remember who did what. But you, clever cyclist that you are, shrewdly made some notes in September and now need only to refer to those notes and send in some nominations! How easy is that? You look good! You can be smug!

And if you just can’t make the round peg fit into the square hole You may create your own award for someone and have a little fun!

The awards banquet thrives on awards. Nominations generate the awards. Think about it a little now. It will result in authentic, appropriate awards going to worthy recipients.

Thank you.

Ann Morrow, Vice President

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