Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Member Memories: O’Horo Memorial CGE 2022
June 30, 2022

Well, it started off well enough. Several riders signed up early in January and more registered as the date drew nearer. Then a few things started going south. The first was that a number of riders rebelled when they discovered that we were going back to the traditional starting point… Read More

Earl Blumenauer Bridge Celebration Ride
June 30, 2022

Sunday, July 31, is the long-awaited opening celebration of the Blumenauer Bridge connecting the Lloyd District and Central Eastside across I-84 at NE Seventh Avenue. There is a lot of history and significance, so let’s ride! I will have a club ride from Wilshire Park on Sunday morning, July 31,… Read More

Mid-Year Elections
May 31, 2022

Three executive board positions are opening up for PBC members in good standing. If you are interested in running, please be sure to come to the club member meeting on Thursday, June 2. Additional nominations from the floor will be accepted on the date of the election. The PBC… Read More

Bike Safety Colors
May 31, 2022

Bike safety is so important. It is critical as cyclists that we are easily seen. In reviewing information about bike safety, I came across a helpful article I would like to share. It is “The Brightest, Most Visible Safety Colors for Cyclists and Runners” by Matt Heid, Appalachian Mtn Club. Read More

John Joy Memorial
May 31, 2022

Main City Park Japanese Garden As we move through our cycling paces, attending meetings, showing up for rides, I imagine you experience some of what I do occasionally, that quick, habitual look around for our friend John Joy. He is not forgotten, and he is missed. I would… Read More

Going, Going, Gone . . .
May 31, 2022

As shared in previous issues of the Quick Releases, a cyclist by the name of Michael O’Higgins had appreciated our finish-line festivities and hard work for the Seattle to Portland so very much that when he was giving up cycling for good due to health reasons, he gave all his… Read More

STP Progress Report
April 30, 2022

Fellow PBC-ers, I know the calendar last month said April, but the snow and cold felt like January! Hopefully, May spring temps and clearer skies will be on schedule so we can get out and ride. May also means that we are about two months out from the 2022 Seattle… Read More

Safety: Emergency Contact Info
April 30, 2022

This is nothing new, but over the years, I have noticed that occasionally riders give only their names and rider numbers, then scrawl a signature on the sign-in sheet without giving emergency contact info. I would like to see more diligence in getting emergency contact information from riders on the… Read More