Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Ride Leader Workshop
December 30, 2022

Your revered and glorious road captains are holding a workshop for ride leaders and ride leader wannabes. SAVE THIS DATE: Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 7:00-9:00 PM, at All Saints Episcopal Church, 4033 SE Woodstock Blvd., Portland. Q&A: Why is this called a workshop? Nobody knows what to… Read More

Holiday SnowCap Recap
December 30, 2022

While the December club member meeting hosted a modest number in attendance, the generosity of those present was overflowing! I always try to get to the meeting a bit early to set up the collection table, but this year I arrived to find the table already half… Read More

Non-Club Event Rides Earning Club Mileage
December 30, 2022

What, now? Yes, non-club event rides earning club mileage. It is actually a very descriptive title and means what it says. Each year PBC allots at least ten bicycle rides (that are not official club rides) the prestige of earning our club members MILEAGE credit. The precise criteria can be… Read More

Meet the 2023 Candidates
November 25, 2022

  PRESIDENT (Vote for one) Hi, my name is Mark Barnes. I am running for president. I recently retired and have enjoyed getting back to my passion of bike riding. I would like to transition this passion for riding into helping others get excited about biking. My background includes… Read More

PC & STP Volunteer Coordinator
November 25, 2022

The club needs a volunteer-to-recruit-volunteers for the Pioneer Century® in June and a volunteer-to-recruit-volunteers for the Seattle to Portland in July. This could be one person, a couple, or a team – one for both events, or separate for each event. Will you be that person? As the past volunteer… Read More

Safety: Bike Lanes
November 25, 2022

I have had a lot of different thoughts about the placement of bike lanes and bike paths around Portland. Some streets (like northbound Williams) have the bike lane on the left. Some (like parts of Rosa Parks) have the bike lane not only on the right side of the roadway,… Read More

Reach the Beach Training Series
November 25, 2022

We are still heading toward the holidays, a new year, our club banquet, and a slower ride schedule for winter. Come mid-to-late February (it’s a short month so who can tell?), the annual REACH the BEACH training rides will commence, and we will offer about 13 or 14 weeks of… Read More

Executive Board Elections
October 31, 2022

The club meeting on the first of December will include the election of the 2023 executive board. Some current board members have expressed a desire to serve another term, and others would like to step down and/or move on to other positions. However, this does not mean an incumbent can’t… Read More