Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Ride Leader Workshop Postmortem
February 28, 2023

This is an easy one. The workshop was held February 8 starting at 7:00 PM and ending at 9:00 PM. The session was a resounding success, though different than previous workshops. There were approximately 21 attendees of which some were wannabes, which is great. The workshop invitation promised pizza. Read More

Your Club at Work
February 28, 2023

Pioneer MARKETING PORTLAND BICYCLING CLUB President Mark Barnes continues to pursue means to promote our club. Stickers will be seen soon. Our business cards will include the QR code when they are printed again. T-shirts are being discussed. Any ideas from our members? Tell a… Read More

Non-Club Rides Approved for Club Mileage
February 28, 2023

Our road captains are pretty awesome. They are intent on getting our ride calendar populated with bicycle rides. Click through the upcoming six months or so, and you will see the calendar already showing evidence of what we, PBC, do: bicycle… Read More

Annual Awards Banquet
January 27, 2023

Hey, Portland Bicycling Clubbers! There are ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT to register for the 2022 AWARDS BANQUET!! Are you due to receive a pin, mug or plaque for reaching your mileage goals last year? Even if you aren’t, you won’t want to miss the festivities on Thursday, February 2, at the… Read More

Ride Leader & Wannabe Workshop
January 27, 2023

Hello Ride Leaders and Ride Leader Wannabes. This is for you only, because you are special. Remember the upcoming workshop? WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. Remember the previous QR article about it? Remember the ride leader email about it? Of course you don’t, because you either didn’t read it, or it was too… Read More

Volunteer for the STP
January 27, 2023

Seattle to Portland (STP), officially the Kaiser Permanente Seattle to Portland presented by Alaska Airlines, is the Pacific Northwest’s largest multi-day bicycling event and is scheduled for the weekend of July 15-16, 2023. This is our first call for volunteers to help with this major source of income for our… Read More

Safety: Check Traffic!
January 27, 2023

Do as I say, don’t follow my example…! Upfront, I have to tell you it pains me a great deal to once again be the object lesson in my own safety article, but here goes. Last August, I was visiting my brother, who lives in Englewood, Colorado. I figured to… Read More

Banks-Vernonia Trail
January 27, 2023

Last month, your board allocated more than $12,000 to various causes and organizations around the area. Among them were a couple that are dear to my heart – the Community Cycling Center and Friends of Stub Stewart State Park. I mention the CCC because I volunteered there for about 20… Read More