A Five-Star Review? -Portland Bicycling Club

A Five-Star Review?

How do you find a good restaurant? How about a new dentist? A new barber or hairstylist?

You might ask around or search the internet. Once you get to the internet, what step might you take? REVIEWS. We rely on word of mouth or personal recommendations to help us learn about new things or make decisions. What about PBC? How do people learn about our bike club? If there was a Yelp review, what would yours say? 

You probably have many opportunities to be an ambassador or reviewer for PBC. We see people all the time who are riding bikes, and we can’t help but wonder why they aren’t riding with PBC. Sometimes, it’s because they don’t know about us. Sometimes, they think they know about us but are misinformed – they think we are fast, rude riders who will just drop them. (Why do negative reputations take so long to overcome?)

Your words, your review, your ambassadorship, can refute the misunderstandings and represent our club of cyclists in a way that sounds fun, interesting, and worth checking out.

Almost all new riders who come to my Meet PBC or Rookie Rides these days learned of PBC through the internet. They did a search and found us. Be an ambassador and explain WHY they might want to be a member. Ask questions about their riding and listen to their response. Then “review” our club to help them see that we are what they are looking for.

As a PBC member, please take the time to review our club and its attributes to local cyclists when you get the chance. We have a good thing going here and more passionate cyclists in the mix would only be of benefit.

Thank you.

Ann Morrow, Vice President

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