Sunday Parkways
June 30 marked our first official Sunday Parkways event at Kenton Park, giving exposure to our club’s new name: Portland Bicycling Club. This event is important as it gives our new club name exposure to the general public. The public has repeatedly raised concerns about our historic club name, Portland Wheelmen Touring Club. We listened, and as a club, we made the changes!
Our next official Sunday Parkways event is July 21, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Parks on the outer northeast Portland route include Hazelwood Hydro, Gateway Discovery, Knott City, Thompson City, and John Luby.
While it’s cycling season and many of us are out of town, please feel free to stop by and support PBC volunteers Ana Kuhl and her team. As we draw closer to the event date, PBOT will name the exact park where our booth will be. We will announce it on social media. FYI, this route is 4.8 miles, so chances are strong you’ll locate us.
We look forward to seeing how people will respond to the updated name. Will this change increase general membership? We will do our best! The volunteers are hard at work trying to make this happen.
If you have any interest in volunteering for future Sunday Parkways, please reach out to me at [email protected] or 503-528-6135
Kathleen Hellem, Sunday Parkways Event Coordinator