Which One of These Is Waiting for You? -Portland Bicycling Club

Which One of These Is Waiting for You?

The Seattle to Portland will be the weekend of July 13-14, 2024. We still need at least three and a half more team leaders, and we’d like to have them in place by February before we start adding members to the teams. Thank you to those who’ve signed up already (listed in the table above), and a special welcome to new member Peter Kokopeli – new to the club, first-time STP volunteer – who will be our Saturday volunteer booth team leader! Now, who will join him?

New members and long-term members alike are welcome to sign up for a leadership position for one or more days – whether you’ve volunteered for STP before or not! No experience required. You will have the support of a team of volunteers, and the training and coaching of the previous team leader. Plus, you will receive lots of encouragement! 

  • Storage Unit & Supplies Coordinator: If you’re looking for more of a physical workout, then the storage unit & supplies coordinator will be a good fit for you. This involves driving a rental truck to the club’s storage unit, picking up supplies on Friday, unloading at Holladay Park Saturday morning, reloading it Sunday evening, and returning everything to the storage unit Monday morning. There is a list of supplies, and you won’t have to do all the work by yourself.
  • Return Transportation Team Leader: If you like to work with numbers and problem-solving is your forte, then you will enjoy being the return transportation team leader. You will oversee volunteers who help board riders on multiple buses returning to Seattle, coordinating them one at a time. Most of the riders will have pre-purchased tickets and will present their tickets at the time of boarding, and the majority of these flow through the line very smoothly. Some riders will want to purchase tickets that day, and a small number may have bought tickets ahead of time but may have lost them. There will be a master list of those who have purchased tickets in advance. As the team leader, you will manage the “bumps in the road” and handle customer issues.
  • Route Safety Team Leader: If you like people, taking care of people, and making sure they’re safe, then you will want to be the route safety team leader. You will supervise the volunteers who work directly in the finish-line area. These volunteers will attend to the safety of numerous cyclists and spectators. Some will provide additional signaling to cyclists that they still must stop at red lights. Some will remind exhausted cyclists to clear the way for later cyclists continuing to roll in behind them to prevent pile-ups in the finish-line chute. Also, you will be sure that your volunteers get breaks and have adequate water.
  • Volunteer Booth Team Leader: If chilling under a canopy is more your vibe, then sign up for the open Sunday spot as volunteer booth team leader. You will greet the volunteers, give them T-shirts, nametags, meal vouchers, and make sure they know where they’re going.

If you’re interested in being a team leader, please sign up online: SignUpGenius. For more information, contact STP volunteer coordinator Lynn Blanchard at [email protected].

Lynn Blanchard, STP Volunteer Coordinator

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