Holiday SnowCap Donations: UPDATE! -Portland Bicycling Club

Holiday SnowCap Donations: UPDATE!

The December club member meeting had a nice turnout in the new meeting space. Everyone seemed to be in the best of spirits. The refreshment and swap-meet tables were full of goodies and treasures galore. Scott Diamond’s presentation of his 3,000-mile north/south trek was an eye-opener to a cyclist’s dedication for a great adventure!

With the meeting room being downstairs in the church, Dave and I wanted to save everyone the task of carrying their donations down the stairs only to have to carry them back up to load items into the SnowCap ‘sleigh’ (which looked much like our Honda Element). Dave and Benn Schonman stationed themselves at the church entry to help members forego the extra steps and load their donations directly into the sleigh. Unfortunately, this efficiency didn’t allow everyone to see just how generous members were. So, please, sit back, close your eyes, and just imagine the mound created by: 

  • 48 pounds of clothing
  • 40 pounds of food
  • 23 pounds of returnable bottles and cans
  • 16 pounds of egg cartons and paper bags
  •   2 pounds of diapers
  • $200 of cash donations

Each one of these items will help families, who are already struggling paycheck to paycheck, to work towards a better future. On behalf of SnowCap, thanks to all who participated. You are the BEST! Wishing everyone a healthy and safe cycling year and a prosperous 2024!

Joan Cullen & Dave Ek, Club Members

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