Your Club at Work -Portland Bicycling Club

Your Club at Work


This event is over for 2023 and a huge THANK YOU to all of you who were able to volunteer and help the 5,500 riders who came in for a quick visit. It was truly a talented group of PBC members who showed up, learned their job, performed their duties, helped in any way  ✎  necessary, and showed patience and kindness to the tired and hot cyclists. It was a perfect representation of our bike club. Being cyclists, whether or not we have ridden STP, helps us have empathy toward the finishers, a real advantage. Personally, I thought we worked well as a group, with everyone helping each other and working toward a greater good. Well done! Certainly, this effort will benefit us as a club financially, but it also built unity among us and gave us an opportunity to get to know some of our cycling friends a bit better. A special thanks to Eric Hendricks, who was STP Coordinator and is an excellent dictator…I mean manager, and is fun to work with. And then there is Cindy Bernert-Coppola, who stepped in to be the volunteer coordinator of the event. She persevered until every position was filled, and also pulled in a few extras – just in case. Her organizational skills are amazing! Thank you, Cindy! It took all of you to pull this off. We did it! Let’s ride!


We have many talented and intelligent members in our club. When they step down from a volunteer position, leaving a vacancy, it can be a little intimidating to imagine ourselves stepping into that role and performing the job as well. Please don’t let your mind go there! You have your own skills and abilities, you will do your best, and you will be appreciated. We each bring something to the table, and you will too. Here’s a glimpse of what’s happening: 

  • MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Current membership secretary Christi Horton is hoping to enjoy time to travel, and so is relinquishing her board position at the end of the year. Here are the duties of this position: process new members’ applications; maintain the membership files; prepare reports on membership to be presented at meetings. There is time to talk to Christi and get a little training, so your transition will be smooth. This is a nice gig in that it can mostly be done in the comfort of your own home on your own timeline.
  • STP FRIDAY BUS COORDINATOR: Bill Hamilton has done this job, and done it well, for years. On STP weekend, Portlanders want to ride their bikes from Seattle to Portland but need to get to Seattle with their bikes. Your job is to facilitate the logistics. Cascade Bicycle Club assumed some of the job duties this year, but the other pieces remain with us. Bill always rode STP, so used the bus and truck himself or drove one of the trucks. You don’t have to do that but can if it suits your needs. Bill will help you learn the job, so jump on in, and help your club and the many STP riders who need a lift!
  • TREASURER: Corey Eng is stepping down as our treasurer at the end of the year. If you are interested, please contact Corey to get some insights. The job duties of this position: manage club finances; prepare and/or arrange for filing of all necessary tax reports and returns; prepare and provide financial reports for the board and the membership during the first quarter of each year, and at least quarterly.

Please consider being a part of “Your Club at Work.” We are not a “meetup” group that just gets together to ride. We are active. We contribute to the wellbeing of the Portland metro area. We continue to educate ourselves about safety, our community, and cycling in general. To be such a club, we need members to assist in the organizational duties. Try it. You won’t regret becoming more involved in Portland Bicycling Club.

Ann Morrow, Vice President

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