Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Club Statistician
November 30, 2019

Thank you to George Ammerman and Chip Kyle. George has been statistician for 3½ years and has done an excellent job, but he felt it was time to pass this task along to someone else. Thank you to Chip Kyle for stepping up to take over this position! Chip is… Read More

November 30, 2019

Don’t you just love acronyms? Being employed in a school, I find they come flying at me all the time. I miss most of the conversation while my brain scrambles to decipher the code. So, PBC is, of course, Portland Bicycling Club. NWBSC is Northwest Bicycle Safety Council. As… Read More

Yearend Contributions
November 30, 2019

We all get solicitations for charitable giving this time of year. Not sure if it is the spirit of giving or the spirit of last-minute tax deductions, or a combination of the two, that drives this. However, it has become an established part of our culture. Probably very few of… Read More

SnowCap Food & Coat Drive
November 30, 2019

2019 has been a great year for cycling. A fall season filled with dry and warm weather has provided more cycling opportunities for all. However, as demonstrated by the ever increasing number of homeless tents along the bike paths and roadways, life continues to be challenging for those with minimal… Read More

Uneven Road Surfaces
November 30, 2019

Once upon a time in the not-too-far-away gorge town of Stevenson, Washington, I was riding home from a weekend of camping near Klickitat with club friend Andreas when I thought I would move over from the traffic lane of the SR14 bridge and onto the shoulder to avoid car traffic. Read More

Upcoming Meetings
November 30, 2019

There is no presentation at this month’s club member meeting, but there will be lots going on this Thursday, December 5, at 7:00 PM. Gear Swap: Do you have excess bike gear or clothing you would like to give or sell to others? Perhaps your jerseys have somehow gotten smaller… Read More

So You Want to Be a Ride Leader
November 30, 2019

Look at yourself. Go on…take a good look. What do you see? Oh…Okay…I thought so. Well, just because you are feeling insignificant and wasting your life away by just showing up for rides and tootling along, doesn’t mean that is your destiny. You can change and make something of yourself. Read More

Reach the Beach 2020 Training Series
November 30, 2019

Reach the Beach (RTB) 2020 is right around the corner. What does that mean for us as a club? The 10-week RTB Training Series will be hosted by none other than . . . Portland Bicycling Club. For well over a decade… Read More