Sign In at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church -Portland Bicycling Club

Sign In at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church

Sometimes life and making your way through it seems to get more and more complicated. However, I find that if I understand the rationale for another step/rule/function I handle it better.

At least four rides a week start at the St Matthew’s Anglican Church at 112th & Skidmore. The church officials have been kind enough to entrust us with keys to enter the building so we may access their restrooms prior to our rides. I think all of us can agree that the kind gesture is very much appreciated. 

Additionally, although not really relevant, the church shares one of their classrooms with us for our monthly club meetings. So, we have a relationship with some of the church representatives, which benefits our club and members. We pay the church for the meeting room and donate money to them for their kindness to let us use their parking lot and bathrooms.

They have asked us to SIGN IN on weekdays when we come in to use their bathrooms BECAUSE they have a school in their church.  If you have visited a public school of any kind recently you know that the old days, when most of us were students, are long gone.  People can’t just waltz in and wander the halls. You need to check in at the office and get a name tag and provide information about who you are and why you are in the building. Sadly, this is the result of some bad actors who necessitated school lockdowns and training videos about how to run, hide, fight.

For these reasons, each individual who enters the church is asked to please sign in on the clipboard. You will find it after you enter the church and turn the first corner to your right to get to the bathrooms. They need to comply, so we need to comply.

It’s a small exercise in courtesy to be able to use a flush toilet before a bike ride (and warm up a little in the winter).

Thank you.

Ann Morrow, President

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