PC & STP Volunteer Coordinator -Portland Bicycling Club

PC & STP Volunteer Coordinator

The club needs a volunteer-to-recruit-volunteers for the Pioneer Century® in June and a volunteer-to-recruit-volunteers for the Seattle to Portland in July. This could be one person, a couple, or a team – one for both events, or separate for each event. Will you be that person? As the past volunteer coordinator for both the PC and STP, I will gladly assist anyone who graciously offers to take on this role. If you have any questions about this exciting and interesting position, please contact me.  

This is a golden opportunity for a special individual or team to give back to your club. You will solicit volunteers to assist with the staffing requirements of the Pioneer and/or the STP. The Pioneer Century® has been offered in some version for about 45 years and our club has been involved with STP for about 40 years. Without these revenue-producing events, PBC’s activities would likely be negatively impacted. Banquets, picnics, charitable donations, and other activities could be curtailed.

Recent tools used to help with signing up volunteers include SignUpGenius (an online program to allow individuals to sign themselves up) and the low-tech foam board which visually displays available volunteer positions. Recruitment usually starts as early as the Awards Banquet, next year scheduled for February 2, 2023. Communication of volunteer opportunities has been widely broadcast through the Quick Releases and focused email messaging to the membership.

The volunteer coordinator(s) will work closely with the PC and STP coordinators to create the necessary dates/positions/time slots, etc., for these events. New ideas on how to better fulfill staffing of events are welcomed.

Corey Eng, 2022 Special Events Coordinator, [email protected], 503-641-2971