Your Club at Work -Portland Bicycling Club

Your Club at Work

In the PBC public relations department we have Kathleen Hellem working on a new banner that will be seen primarily at Sunday Parkways and, if all goes well, our own Pedals & Pints event. The concept is to have a collage of photos that depict our diverse and happy members. Additionally, Membership Secretary Cindy Bernert-Coppola has new PBC window clings for every member to place in a window to publicize PBC. They will be available at future club member meetings. In the meantime, since we don’t meet for a while, if any member wants one early, please request it at [email protected]. Otherwise, current members will receive one with a renewal card upon renewing membership; and new members will receive one in their new member packets upon joining. Cindy will also be sending brochures to local bike shops. While certainly the website is a primary source of information for interested cyclists, some people still peruse the fliers and other cycling-related materials in the racks at shops. Once businesses re-open, let Cindy know if your favorite shop is overlooked.

A small clause in the contract that Portland Bicycling Club has with Cascade Bicycle Club provides for two free RSVP (Ride from Seattle to Vancouver and Party) registrations. Mark Klein, STP coordinator, sent out an email blast and told us all to sign up for the raffle if we were interested. There were 13 members (you had to be a club member) who signed up, and the winners were chosen at the March 5 club meeting. Congratulations to Craig Hill and Rachel Saathoff!

Ann Morrow, Recording Secretary