News -Portland Bicycling Club


July 2020 Top Talk

Usually club happenings provide the top talk topic, but lately headlines external to the club have been shaping these monthly stories. In deference to the Black Lives Matter movement, I want to draw your attention to three distinguished pioneers in African-American cycling history. Marshall “Major” Taylor (1878-1932) was born… Read More

Restarting Group Rides

In the June Top Talk, I discussed the difficulties in planning club rides that would minimize exposure to a virus that lacks effective treatment or can be prevented. Oregon and Washington are loosening restrictions, so the question is – is the Club also ready to loosen and ride again? Ann… Read More

June 2020 Top Talk

I love riding my bike; but if you are like me, living in seclusion has taught you that riding with friends makes the feeling even better. Riding solo is not for everyone, and riding in your garage on a trainer is boring and uninspiring. In a group, not only… Read More

May 2020 Top Talk

Sheltering in place is a major stressor on many small businesses, institutions, organizations, and even some of the larger bike clubs. Many may not be able to withstand several months without income. Fortunately, because the Portland Bicycling Club doesn’t have any large payouts, a facility to maintain, or salaries… Read More

April 2020 Top Talk

The Portland Bicycling Club has suspended all club rides until the lifting of Governor Brown’s shelter-in-place order. I wish I could tell you that cancellation of rides is just a crazy April Fool’s joke, but sadly it is not. Looking at a calendar filled with canceled rides may leave… Read More

March 2020 Top Talk

As president I am happy to make some important announcements this month: Firstly, we have selected a new club jersey, which will make its appearance this spring. More details regarding the jersey can be found in this issue of the QR, plus stay tuned for your chance to order… Read More

February 2020 Top Talk

What is the most important activity of a bike club? That’s easy – bike rides! Who are the most important members of a bike club? That question may not be so easily answered. Members comprise any club and therefore, of course, are essential. Specific officers and event coordinators keep… Read More

January 2020 Top Talk

Welcome to 2020 and Happy New Year to everyone! I just finished leading one of our easiest rides, Slow Motion Thursdays. We did an easy loop around southeast Portland and took our break at a small coffee house at 60th and Division. We chatted and chuckled over each other’s… Read More