News -Portland Bicycling Club


March 2021 Top Talk

Masks 101 for Cyclists. Wearing masks and maintaining interpersonal separation are the two essential elements of reducing the spread of SARS-CoV-2, or “COVID-19.” I’ve observed both proper and improper use of masks, including dangling them from one ear. One of our sister bike clubs has required the wearing of… Read More

February 2021 Top Talk

Resuming Club Rides. I first want to thank all the members who attended January’s Zoom club meeting. Many of you tried to sign in early and apparently were redirected to sign into the board meeting, leaving the club split between the two meetings at 7 PM. I apologize for… Read More

January 2021 Top Talk

To ride or not to ride, that is the question. During the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, when most people viewed the disease as highly fatal, the PBC made the difficult decision to cancel all organized club rides. The decision was difficult because rides are primarily what the club… Read More

December 2020 Top Talk

Two years ago, Chip handed over the gavel to me – and now I am about to do the same for a soon-to-be-elected new president. As a member at large for two years I had observed that Chip worked very hard in this position, so I expected no less;… Read More

November 2020 Top Talk

We are heading into a season that often pulls rain-averse riders indoors and onto their stationary bikes. I’ve never been one of those riders. I like cool fresh outdoor air, rides with a destination, and club rides that trend smaller once they get wetter. On cold/rainy social rides you… Read More

October 2020 Top Talk

Fall riding time – perhaps the best time! And yet, we are still not populating our ride calendar with scheduled club rides. What are we waiting for? We are waiting for Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties to collectively advance into Phase 2 when restrictions will have further eased and,… Read More

September 2020 Top Talk

The executive board continues to be cautious about restarting official club activities. Although Oregon is doing better than most of the country, that’s probably because our government has been particularly careful about its standards. As we announced earlier in the summer, until the Portland metro area progresses to Phase… Read More

August 2020 Top Talk

Although we are not conducting club rides, it turns out we can ride as a group – even if riding as a group means we ride solo! You say that doesn’t make sense, so I’ll explain; but first, let me provide some background. For 30 years the American Lung Association… Read More