PBC Vision: October 5th Meeting -Portland Bicycling Club

PBC Vision: October 5th Meeting

Members will be asked to engage in a simple brainstorming session to answer the question, “What does PBC want the Pioneer Century® to be in 2024?” We will invite attending members to share their “big ideas.” This process will help the Pioneer Century® committee focus their efforts to support the club’s vision. The goal is to get everyone’s input on a shared vision. One could speculate that there are many ideas and many common themes. Just ask other members, and you’ll get varying replies. This process will help bring the club and its signature event into alignment.

The process will give everyone the opportunity to write down and contribute their responses to, “What does PBC membership want the Pioneer Century to be in 2024 and beyond?” The following set of questions is an example of how big we want participants to think. The implementation details will be created by the PC24 committee (and any willing volunteers) once we have decided upon the shared “big idea.”  

  1. How will it serve the biking community?
  2. How will it serve the members of Portland Bicycling Club?
  3. How will it serve Portland Bicycling Club as a whole?

I’m excited to help the club align its volunteer efforts with its Pioneer Century® vision. I have made a career of helping groups develop a shared vision before moving forward with long-term projects. The process I use is fun, exciting, and helpful in getting groups together. I have the same ambitions for PBC and the Pioneer Century®. Please join us at the October PBC meeting and share your ideas.

Richard Higgins, Member at Large

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