Newsletters -Portland Bicycling Club

Newsletter Articles

Tech Talk: Tubes or Tubeless?
March 30, 2024

A subject of conversation on our different club rides often touches on the matter of tires and tubes. If you are to buy a new bike today, chances are your bike comes ready to go with tubeless tires. Maybe you’re not convinced on them, so would you put inner tubes… Read More

Ride Leader Workshop Summary
March 30, 2024

The workshop was a resounding success! First and most important, most of the pizzas and salads were consumed and the leftovers all went home with someone. Now the other stuff: There were approximately 18 enraptured participants that included ride leaders and ride leader wannabes. We really hope that the wannabes… Read More

Pioneer Century® Volunteer Opportunities
February 29, 2024

This will be short and sweet, just like me…although I am not short. The Pioneer Century® needs lots of volunteers, and the sooner the better, for all of us, but let’s give reasons for you to sign up sooner: The sooner you sign up… Read More

Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic: July 13-14 Weekend
February 29, 2024

VOLUNTEERING It’s fun!!! Grab a friend, a neighbor, a partner, or a spouse, and sign up for a shift together! The choices for volunteer positions are narrowing, but the best spots are in route safety, where you will get to see the riders come in during your shift. You can… Read More

Bicycle Safety and the Law: Quiz #3
February 29, 2024

How did you do on last month’s quiz? In case you missed either of the first two: Quiz #1 Quiz #2 And now for this month’s quiz. Do YOU know the answers? Questions: Who has to wear a helmet? You… Read More

Highlights from the 2023 Awards Banquet
February 29, 2024

More than 80 club members and invited guests enjoyed their evening at the Monarch Hotel on February 1, feasting on delicious beef, salmon, and vegetarian meal options, followed by dessert. Adult beverages were available from the no-host bar located in the spacious banquet room. The featured master of ceremony was… Read More

Your Club at Work
February 29, 2024

PBC MERCH: Be sure and keep an eye on the club store. We have T-shirts – limited sizes – and should soon have some jerseys. A jersey order has been placed for savvy club shoppers, and there will be a few extras in various, random sizes. Check the “… Read More

Coffee Stop Spotlight: Bob’s Red Mill
February 29, 2024

In February, Oregon lost a nationally recognized entrepreneur and the founder of a PBC regular coffee stop destination. Bob Moore founded Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods in 1978 and grew it into a global retailer of natural-food grains, energy bars, and cake and soup mixes. His company profited from the… Read More