Saturday Morning Medley: Safer Ride Options -Portland Bicycling Club

Saturday Morning Medley: Safer Ride Options

The Saturday Morning Medley series begins February 13. Be sure to read the ride description on the website (available soon). This is one example of a ride that members can do solo or with their safe group. Departing from Wilshire Park, there will be maps available online providing two choices of routes. For club mileage credit, members must complete one of the route options between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM the day of the ride listed on the PBC ride calendar. To submit mileage to your ride leader, there will be remote sign-in and email options. As always, keep in mind that club insurance covers only the route listed on the official PBC ride calendar online. Feel free to gain some extra miles riding to and from the ride start. 

The goal is to decrease proximity from each other during the pandemic. Many of our members may have underlying health issues and would like to gain club mileage credit. Please, be careful out there and if you see a PBC member(s) in passing on the route during the day, and chances are you will, please kindly respect their space. A wave will suffice.

Members, if you have a particular ride in mind, please reach out to the ride leader listed on the ride description. If you can, please try to give 14 days’ advance notice; that would be greatly appreciated. WHY? There is nothing worse than making plans to ride a route only to find out that something more desirable has popped up, but shucks, it was not there last week. What a bummer. Please, email your ride leader with your desired route, keeping ever true with the “Saturday Morning Medley” title, a medley of ride options.

Happy cycling!

Kathleen Hellem, Ride Leader, [email protected]