Coffee Stop Spotlight: Our Coffee House -Portland Bicycling Club

Coffee Stop Spotlight: Our Coffee House

East county coffee shops are few and far between. There’s just not enough year-round traffic to support coffee shops on the edge of our urban growth boundary. Our Coffee House is in a new shoppette at the corner of SE Lusted and SE 282nd. West of 282nd toward Gresham has developed very densely with single family homes. East of 282nd is still agricultural land with Barlow High School a mile down the road. As a result, this coffee shop is like an oasis in undeveloped Multnomah County. During the school year, high school students make their way to the coffee shop for fancy drinks and a break from school food! For cyclists, it’s an ideal spot to stop for coffee, pastries, and stimulating conversation. 

Their food and beverage menu is special. They source almost all their items from the area, or they are handcrafted fresh every morning. The bagels are from Jazzy Bagels in Gresham. Donuts are from Joe’s Donuts in Sandy. Cake pops are from a local baker. Their coffee is sourced from Portland Roasters. The coffee shop owner bakes the remaining pastry options. Bottom line is that the food, drinks, and coffee are wonderful. The entire operation is a family-owned business focusing on their local community.

The coffee shop has two entrances, with the main entry from the parking lot. We use the entry on the side of SE Lusted Road because it’s easy access from the street. It is slightly covered, and just easier to lean our bikes against the building out of the way of most customers on the parking lot side. It’s a seldom used entry, so we take it over as ours. Service is always quick, with drinks first and food orders to follow. The ordering location is separate from the serving counter. Seating is suitable for small groups of six to eight, and that seems to fit our rainy season crews just fine. The requisite restrooms are right next to where we sit. The patrons and people behind the counter are always very welcoming and seem happy to have us. Our Coffee House at 112 SE 282nd Avenue is easy to find and a great place to stop.

Richard Higgins, Member at Large

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