Monday Morning Meander from Gateway -Portland Bicycling Club

Monday Morning Meander from Gateway


There are 100 ways to Jazzy Bagel in Gresham. Come explore them all! Despite the variety of ways, there are usually just 2 or 3 distances available on these loops through the East County area. Maps will be provided at the ride start.

Sign-in will be with the ride leader at the start location. Provide your name, membership number and emergency contact phone number. The sign-in sheet will be filled out by the ride leader.

Pace: 13-15 mph.

Please read the Covid protocols before attending the ride.


Date: Monday October 17th, 2022
Departure Time: 10:00 am
Type: Group
Pace: Intermediate (13-15 mph)
Distance: 20-45 miles
Terrain: B

Start Location

Gateway Transit Center, NE 99th and NE Pacific, Portland, OR Google Maps
Park and meet at the Gateway Transit Center south parking lot.

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