How To Submit Rides Manually -Portland Bicycling Club

How To Submit Rides Manually

To get your ride added to the Ride Calendar, email the following ride information to [email protected] preferably 2 weeks before the ride date (for overnight rides, a minimum of 2 weeks before the ride date is required and 30 days notice is preferred):

  1. Route Name and Brief Description – show your excitement for the route and include information about any planned breaks
  2. Ride date, start time and start location
  3. Route Map – PDF file or title of map as shown in the Map Library
  4. Route Distance
  5. Type, Pace and Terrain ratings for the ride

Our ride ratings for Terrain, Pace and Type are described here.

Popular ride start locations are listed here.

Maps must be offered at the start of all re-group and non-group rides, and are encouraged for all rides.

Adding a map helps riders find rides that are appropriate for their interests, skills and abilities. Save yourself some time and check the Map Library first to see if you can reuse an existing map – if so, you will just need to include the Map Title when you submit a ride.

To submit a new map that is not already in the Map Library, send it to the road captain via email at [email protected]. For a hardcopy map, scan it as a PDF file and attach it to the email. For an online map, such as Ride With GPS, specify the URL in the email. Include the distance, or minimum and maximum distance, and the level of terrain difficulty.

Sometimes it is a good idea to limit the number of riders on a particular ride to ensure safety or just to make the ride operate more smoothly. If you want to do this, please include information about how many riders are welcome and how to reserve a spot with your ride description. This information needs to be included when we initially post the ride.