Thursday Westside Ride -Portland Bicycling Club

Thursday Westside Ride


Our destination is BJs Coffee in Forest Grove for a coffee/snack break. Much of this ride is beautiful farm country on the Tualatin Valley Scenic Bikeway. Traffic is very low. We will re-group every 5 miles, riding in two speed groups: Scenic at 16-17 mph, and Brisk at 18-19 mph (possibly a little slower on rainy/fender days and faster on dry days). Scenic riders and those riding slower than 16 mph: If you do not know the route, please print a cue sheet in case you are the only one riding that speed.


Date: Thursday December 26th, 2019
Departure Time: 10:00 am
Type: Re-Group
Pace: Brisk (15-17 mph)
Distance: 38 miles
Terrain: B
Maps: North Plains to Forest Grove - BJs Coffee PDF GPS

Start Location

Jessie Mays Community Center, Northwest Hillcrest Street, North Plains, OR Google Maps

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