Online Sign-up Instructions for Riders -Portland Bicycling Club

Online Sign-up Instructions for Riders

Online sign-up is now available for club rides. To use, you must first log in to your club member account on the website. If you are a ride leader and wish to enable online sign-up for your ride, see the online sign-up instructions for ride leaders.

  • Under the “Rides” tab, go to the ride calendar, and open the ride for which you wish to sign up.
  • You should see a “Sign-up” button directly below the ride’s title. (If you don’t see the button, that indicates the ride leader has chosen not to support online sign-up for that ride.)
  • After you press the sign-up button, a form will display requesting that you enter your emergency contact’s phone number and name.
  • You also enter the mileage that you intend to ride. (If you don’t see the mileage field, that indicates the ride leader has chosen to use a printed sign-in sheet and will collect your mileage at the start of the ride.)
  • You must read (if you have not already done so) and accept the club’s terms and conditions waiver.
  • Once the form is filled out, press the “Accept Sign-up” button to complete your ride sign-up.

If your sign-up was successful, the form will update to reflect that. Press the “Back to Ride” button to return to the ride description. When you attend the ride, the ride leader will refer to the sign-up list, confirm your attendance, and ask if you wish to change your mileage.

View the upcoming rides for which you are signed up.