Thursday Westside Ride -Portland Bicycling Club

Thursday Westside Ride


Our destination is Maggie’s Buns in Forest Grove for a coffee/snack break. Much of this ride is beautiful farm country on the Tualatin Valley Scenic Bikeway. Traffic is very low. We will re-group every 5 miles, riding in two speed groups: Scenic at 15-16 mph, and Brisk at 17-19 mph. Scenic riders: If you can keep a pace of at least 15 mph and are the only one in the Scenic group, someone from the Brisk group will happily ride with you. If you ride slower than 15 you are very welcome to attend but please print a map if you are unfamiliar with the route.


Date: Thursday June 21st, 2018
Departure Time: 10:00 am
Type: Re-Group
Pace: Brisk (15-17 mph)
Distance: 38 miles
Terrain: B
Maps: North Plains to Forrest Grove - Map PDF

Start Location

Jessie Mays Community Center, Northwest Hillcrest Street, North Plains, OR Google Maps

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