Zoom Club Executive Board Meeting -Portland Bicycling Club

Zoom Club Executive Board Meeting


I don't know about you, but with covid and politics, I have once again taken residence in our crawl space. The attic isn't very welcoming, though it would be dryer, less buggy, but no running water from the storm drainage around the foundation which is loaded with minerals which are healthy and its good for bathing. And speaking of running water let's meet in the Oregon Caves. I don't care to air travel, so it's close enough to be drivable. I really don't care to be around people, so we'll need to sneak in and find a remote room in the cave...and be very quiet, so no yelling at each other when we disagree. Sorry about the all-about-me, but you'll be happier for this, too.


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Date: Wednesday January 19th, 2022
Departure Time: 7:00 pm
Type: Non-Group
Pace: N/A
Distance: 0 miles
Terrain: A

Start Location

Oregon Caves Visitor Center, Caves Highway, Cave Junction, OR, USA Google Maps

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