Your Club at Work: May 2021 -Portland Bicycling Club

Your Club at Work: May 2021

Club Rides

More of the same as the board monitors any and all reputable reports and data analyses regarding the spread of the virus. As this is written there are concerns about rising Covid-19 numbers and what implications that will have on the state of Oregon’s approach to getting that slope headed in a downward direction. Coincidentally, we as a club have been fortunate to have Pat McManus and Doug Myers as our presidents during these trying times. They have both favored very pragmatic, safety-focused strategies. Additionally, your board comes to the table informed and with opinions. The opinions may differ at times, but your board is consistently trying to correlate your wellbeing with your eagerness for rides.

A Bouquet or No Bouquet?

The benefit of not much riding due to a pandemic is fewer bike crashes. Thank you all for keeping the rubber side down, even while distracted with dodging the Covid-19 virus! Seriously, and I am unable to locate any written documentation on the policy, our club has traditionally sent a bouquet of flowers to members who crash on their bike and suffer injury while on a club ride. Years ago, when I was also a board member, this practice was discussed. The board agreed wholeheartedly that we would like to send flowers to our fallen club members. However, with the aging group that primarily makes up Portland Bicycling Club, it was determined that sending flowers for out-patient surgeries, hospitalizations, procedures, and especially colonoscopies would be an onerous task and too costly (and this is when we were flush with money). Please, share if you know of a club member that is injured while riding on a club ride. We all care, and a bouquet will be sent from PBC as a representation of the clubs’ concerns. If a club member is ill and is willing to have that information shared with the club, please mention it at a club meeting or share on Facebook so we can send a card or flowers individually.

Thank you for your ongoing patience.

Ann Morrow, Vice President