Membership Secretary Opening -Portland Bicycling Club

Membership Secretary Opening

Some of you may be aware that I have resigned from the board as membership secretary. Although my position does not end until December 31, I cannot devote the time needed to attend monthly meetings and respond to the business of the club. Until someone is appointed to take my place, I am continuing to do the work, as well as the work of webmaster, and am totally willing to train my replacement and offer support along the way.

Would this be a position you could fill? It is an especially important role and many times the first contact our new members have with the club. I have enjoyed it immensely and have gotten to know and help numerous new and returning members.  ✎  Here is the official job description:

Process new members’ applications; maintain the membership files; prepare an annual report of membership to be presented to the membership during the first quarter of each year. This is a one-year term elected in December for January through December.

The job itself, aside from the monthly meetings, could take between one and five hours per week. It is extremely automated on the club’s website but does require a little investigative work at times. For instance, sometimes we have a returning member whose membership has lapsed, and the website assigns them a new rider number. This can be changed. You have ALL the power! If you are comfortable with computers, I can train you as an administrator on our website.

A good working computer/laptop and printer are also a must. I print member ID cards, information for inclusion in the new member packet, envelopes for sending out renewal cards and new member packets, and club rosters when requested, although these are mostly done as PDFs. Another role of the membership secretary has been checking the club’s PO box at the downtown post office. I only do this once a month, because almost everything is now done online.

Please consider this important position and let me know your interest. The rewards are great! 503-781-1822, [email protected].

Cindy-Bernert Coppola, Outgoing Membership Secretary