May 2021 Top Talk
We’ve had some absolutely gorgeous cycling weather in April, with warmer temperatures and sunny skies. It’s wonderful to witness our emergence from the cold, dark, wet days of winter. Yet, I have lived here long enough to know that there will be more dank, dreary days before our summer finally arrives in late July.
We also are anticipating emerging from the presence of Covid, which has been longer than, and drearier than, any Pacific Northwest winter. And, as with our local weather, there will be more setbacks before we are comfortably beyond the pandemic.
Some of the good news that we’ve received is the reported absence of Covid transmission with cycling. Evidence also indicates that Covid is not transmitted via surfaces, such as rider sign-in sheets. Most of our members have been, or soon will be, vaccinated.
The board is cautiously taking steps to open up our cycling activities in a safe manner. We will again permit prospective members to participate in our rides, following the same safety rules as our paid members. This will allow us to reengage as a positive force within the cycling community, developing the skills of new riders and training others to participate in their first events, such as Reach the Beach on May 15. Rules for Covid safety, such as masking and distancing, will be taught in conjunction with bicycling skills.
The calendar continues to fill in, and a greater variety of rides is becoming available. As of this writing, one or two rides are listed for six of the seven days of the week, including Reach the Beach training rides, Chuck Dorr’s popular intermediate rides, Ann Morrow’s beginning/new member rides and a series of Wednesday leisurely rides led by Cindy Bernert-Coppola. There are also more strenuous rides being led weekly by Joel Loh and Dick Weber. In short, there’s a ride for everyone in the club who wants to emerge from their winter cocoon and welcome the spring on their bike. I look forward to seeing you on the road.
Doug Myers, President